August 08, 2008


Pump not plugged in.

"New" cover partially submerged. Stagnant water collected in bottom of pool. Dangerous, and unhealthy. Mosquitoes develop from egg to adult in 5 days. Violation of Municipal Code which requires that pool equipment be maintained.

Request that the Board of Health review their opinion that no action is needed regarding DRAINING the abandoned swimming pool at 2 Appletree Point Lane. Board was not given correct information. The problem is NOT solved. Token action was taken after the appeal was filed, but the same situation exists today.

History: Appeal was heard, no action taken because Code Enforcement Director testified that the problem was solved by property owner placing an automatic sump pump in the pool. Another black plastic cover was put on the pool, with the same cinder blocks placed on corners to hold the cover in place. A few days later it rained, and the cover fell into the pool. The plastic cover is partially submerged in the deep end, under the diving board. There appears to be a pump at that end, and there is a hose that comes out of the pool there.

An appeal to the Board of Health was not acted on because the Code Enforcement Director told the Board that the problem had been solved. IT IS NOT! We have had a lot of rain, and it is collecting in the pool. A recent article in the newspaper said abandoned pools are a major health risk, and mosquitoes develop from egg to adult in 5 days.