June 27, 2009

  • Two quarters' Vacant Building Fee not paid, January 1 - June 30, 2009.
  • Quarterly inspection July 2, 2009 -- at taxpayer expense.
  • Work on the portico which was started in December was discontinued until this past weekend. Someone was working there a few days ago, painting wood replaced in the ceiling of the portico.
  • Column on left sagging.
  • Fire hazards reported to the Fire Marshall on June 14 -- no response. Follow-up sent to Fire Chief today:
To: Chief O'Neil, June 29, 2009:
  1. No response to request sent on June 14 to Thomas Middleton about fire hazards at 2 Appletree Point Lane.
  2. Our property is adjacent to the vacant buildings at 2 Appletree Point Lane, with many old pine trees around. We are concerned about fire hazards.
  3. We do not believe it is in compliance with the Vacant Building Code to have these piles of debris, but 2 years of complaints to Code Enforcement have not resulted in the removal of debris so I am following up with you about fire hazards.
  4. Photos below show one pile of debris. There is also debris behind the garage which is attached to the main house and next to my house.
  5. Please check out the situation to confirm that it is safe.
  6. May we also have a copy of the pre-plan for fighting a fire on the property -- 2 Appletree Point Lane? According to the file at Code Enforcement, it was recommended that the fire department have such a plan and we want to confirm that such a plan exists.

June 14, 2009

Fire and Safety Concerns Continue

UPDATE: Waiver of vacant building fee that covers cost of monitoring and enforcing compliance with Vacant Building code, was granted by Code Enforcement in the first and second quarter of 2009. Waiver was appealed to Public Works Commission, and waivers were rescinded. However, property owner has not paid the fees, and monitoring is currently at taxpayer expense.

Example: Request to Fire Marshall to evaluate fire hazards at the property.

June 14, 2009
Fire Marshall Middleton

Fire Hazards at vacant property, 2 Appletree Point Lane:
Primary concern -- pile of dead tree debris piled up next to an very old wooden vacant structure. There are a lot of downed trees on the property, also.
Related concern -- pre-plan for fighting a fire at this address, 2 Appletree Point Lane.
We would like to meet with you, at your convenience, to discuss the situation, primarily the safety of abutting properties in case of a fire at the Wick house. If we could meet on site, that would be most reassuring.

There are a lot of downed trees on the property, also.

Thank you.
Lea Terhune, Chuck Seleen