September 04, 2007

Pool is Drained, now remove the plastic!

The pool is drained, and now the heavy black plastic has to be REMOVED, PLEASE!

September 03, 2007

Sept. 3, 2007

The pool is draining, revealing the heavy black plastic "cover" that had slipped into the pool and was submerged in several places. Cinder blocks held the plastic in place, and some blocks slipped into the pool.

September 02, 2007

September 2, 2007

The swimming pool is being drained, SLOWLY. [In contrast, last weekend vegetation was ripped out of the wetlands and buffer areas with heavy equipment, QUICKLY -- click here for photos. Priorities are reversed!] The black plastic, partially submerged beneath the surface of the pool, is clearly visible against the far wall of the pool. As of Sunday Sep 2 at 4 pm, the water level in the swimming pool has dropped about 6 inches.